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Cybersecurity Blog

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passkeys-warum passwoerter ausgedient haben

Passkeys: Why Passwords Have Probably Become Outdated

An analysis of the most frequently lists of the most frequently used passwords shows that even today, passwords tend not to be very complex. This suggests that password managers, which would make it easier to create secure passwords, are rarely being used. As a consequence, many service providers rely on the addition of a second factor during the login process in order to reduce the dependency on the password. However, this solution is not an optimal measure as it does not fully address the problem of password security. A promising approach that could offer an alternative to passwords is the use of passkeys.

vulnerability management effizientes schwachstellenmanagement

Vulnerability Management: Efficient Management for Maximum Security

Vulnerability Management is making waves again. Successful attacks requiring no user interaction are becoming more frequent once again. At the same time, the number of publicly known vulnerabilities is increasing from year to year. This raises the question of how these vulnerabilities can be detected and remedied as early as possible.

network penetration test

Network Penetration Test

In an increasingly digitalized world, companies of all sizes and in all industries are at risk of cyberattacks. It is therefore crucial for businesses to prioritize network security in order to protect sensitive information and business processes. Every year, thousands of attacks on corporate networks are recorded, whether by hackers, insiders, or automated malware. The consequences of such attacks can be severe, including data loss, business interruptions, significant financial losses, and a loss of customer trust.


Overview of the Federal Information Security Act

With the Information Security Act* (Informationssicherheitsgesetz, ISG) coming into force on January 1, 2024, new standards for securing information and infrastructure were set in Switzerland. The law brings comprehensive innovation in the field of cybersecurity and strengthens the security of information and infrastructure at various levels, as well as cyber resilience in general. The ISG applies to both government authorities and private companies that are significant for the security of the federation. A particular focus is on operators of critical infrastructure. This article provides an overview of the main changes and requirements that the ISG brings.

social engineering_schutz und praevention

Social Engineering – Risks and Prevention for Businesses

It is estimated that companies worldwide suffer billions worth of damages each year due to social engineering attacks. In response to the significant advancements made by companies in strengthening their technical defenses against cyberattacks in recent years, attackers are seeking new methods to gain unauthorized access to networks and obtain data. In essence, this is not a new phenomenon, but rather a shift back to the traditional methods used by attackers.

Social Engineering_Einfuehrung_Methoden

Social Engineering: Introduction and Techniques

The advent of the internet, along with the concurrent increase in computer processing power, ushered in the digital age for businesses. This technological progress, however, also gave rise to new threats in cyberspace, which presented significant challenges for companies. Consequently, there was a tendency to prioritize the hardening of the information infrastructure, with the “old” threats largely being relegated to the background.

tabletop üebungen-so schuetzen sie ihre firma

Tabletop Exercises: Ransomware Attack Simulation

Tabletop exercises allow organizations to test and improve their crisis management capabilities in a safe environment. Realistic scenarios are played out, allowing participants to refine their response strategies to potential security incidents and identify weaknesses in their existing processes.


Cyberattacks: How to Protect Your Company From Hackers

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of cyberattacks in recent years, affecting both companies and private individuals alike. Phishing emails and other attacks have become more or less an everyday reality at work. Ransomware attacks have a particularly high potential to cause severe damage – which is why they receive a lot of media attention.

How To Protect Against Ransomware

How To Protect Against Ransomware: Effective Tips for Companies

Over the past few years, ransomware has become a serious threat to businesses that can cause significant damage. The financial impact of ransomware attacks is enormous – in addition to the cost of business interruption, organizations that fall victim to such an attack must also pay for the analysis and recovery of affected systems and data, as well as, in some cases, ransom demands.

Ransomware Detection and Prevention

Ransomware: Detection and Prevention

Ransomware represents one of the most significant and pervasive cyberthreats today. What originated as a relatively rudimentary blackmail tool has evolved into a highly sophisticated and organized criminal industry. Businesses and private individuals worldwide are confronted with this growing threat due to its relentless and indiscriminate nature.

Incident Response Readiness Assesment für Unternehmen

Be Prepared for Emergencies: Incident Response Readiness Assessment for Your Organization

The importance of having a high level of cyber resilience is increasing exponentially these days as cyberattacks become more complex and frequent. Cyber resilience is the ability of a company to maintain business operations in the event of a cyberattack and to return to normal state as quickly as possible. This requires both preventive measures to avoid cyberattacks and strategies for rapid response and recovery in the event of a successful attack.

Tabletop Exercises

Tabletop Exercises: Putting Your Crisis Management to the Test

The prevalence of cyberattacks has increased markedly in recent years, becoming a common occurrence in the contemporary business environment. The vast majority of us utilize information technology tools, are connected to networks, and benefit greatly from this connectivity. Nevertheless, an increasing number of companies are coming to recognize that malicious actors are also exploiting this networking and the resulting dependence on digital resources to their advantage. Ransomware attacks for example have become part of the everyday problems faced by many organizations.

Nutzen von Red Teaming

Red Teaming: What Are the Benefits and Who Is It Useful For?

In an increasingly complex and dynamic world, it is essential for organizations to continually review and improve their security and defense strategies. One of the most effective ways to uncover vulnerabilities and build resilience is through red teaming. But what exactly is red teaming? And for what types of organizations is it best suited?


An Introduction to Conditional Access Policies

Many businesses today rely on Microsoft 365 services. As these services become more popular, they also become more likely targets for hackers. Experience shows that there are still organizations that have not secured their Microsoft Cloud clients. Therefore, organizations should take protective measures against cyberattacks – Conditional Access policies are one such measure. This article provides an overview of how Conditional Access policies work.

Phishing in Unternehmen

Response to Phishing Attacks in Companies

In the digital world, companies are constantly exposed to new threats. Phishing attacks are among the most insidious forms of such threats, as what looks like a simple click on an email can have devastating consequences – from financial loss to data breach.

Schwachstellenanalyse mit MITRE ATT&CK

Vulnerability Analysis With MITRE ATT&CK

The non-profit organization MITRE has been documenting Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used by known Advanced Persistent Threats (ATPs) since 2013. The result is the MITRE ATT&CK® Framework. ATT&CK stands for “Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common Knowledge”.

Incident Response Plan Red Flags

The 7 Red Flags When Creating an Incident Response Plan

A well-thought-out incident response plan (IRP) can prepare your organization for an emergency and enable you to respond to incidents in a more structured, efficient and comprehensive manner. An incident response plan provides a structured approach to handling cyber incidents and serves as a guide for each phase of the incident response process. This increases your incident response readiness.

Unterscheidung zwischen Operational Technology (OT) und Information Technology (IT)

Distinction between Operational Technology and Information Technology

What would you expect power plants, production facilities and transportation companies to have in common? They all use Operational Technology (OT) in sometimes highly critical infrastructures to control industrial systems. Examples include production lines, robot systems and machines, to name just a few.


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