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Cybersecurity Blog

Browse through exciting articles, current news and helpful tips & tricks from our experts on all aspects of cybersecurity.

Schnell und eifach den richtigen Passwortmanager finden

Quick and Easy Guide to Finding the Right Password Manager

In an increasingly digital world where the security of corporate data is a top priority, every organization faces the challenge of protecting sensitive information from cyber threats. We are all familiar with the dilemma of having to remember long and complex passwords.

Spear Phishing

What Is a Spear Phishing Attack?

In the digital world, we are exposed to various threats every day. One of the most sophisticated and effective attacks is spear phishing. Unlike regular phishing attacks, where cybercriminals send mass emails hoping to deceive a few users, spear phishing targets specific individuals or organizations.

Erhöhen Sie Ihre Cyber-Resilienz durch Purple Teaming

Increase Your Cyber Resilience Through Purple Teaming

Purple teaming results from the merging of the red (team) and the blue (team) and illustrates how the two teams work together to improve the cyber security of an organization. This is achieved through a cooperation between the two teams, where attack scenarios are discussed, carried out, and analyzed jointly by both teams.

Die Sicherheit des eigenen Active Directory (AD) verbessern

Improve the Security of Your Own Active Directory (AD)

The vast majority of companies nowadays use Windows and therefore Active Directory. The default settings are often designed for functionality rather than security. Also, when an environment has grown over the years, misconfigurations can easily creep in. In addition, weak passwords also compromise its security. All this can make it easy for attackers once initial access to the Active Directory is gained.


The 360 Degree Checklist to Manage Cyber Incidents

Preparation with a comprehensive checklist is central to managing a cyber incident. To ensure that nothing is forgotten during the stressful situation, all departments of a company must be informed about their tasks and duties in advance.


SCION – A Panacea Against DDoS Attacks?

So-called DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service) on IT infrastructures are on the rise – even authorities and critical infrastructures are affected. Can the SCION technology developed in Switzerland prevent the shutdown of Internet services in the future?

SQL-Injection verstehen, erkennen und verhindern

SQL Injection: Detection and Prevention

SQL injections are a widespread type of vulnerability in websites, which have high damaging potential. This article is exactly about this type of injections and shows what they are, why they can occur and how they can be fixed.


Security in CI and CD: How to Master the OWASP Top 10 Risks

Continous Integration (CI) and Continous Deployment (CD) have become important components of software engineering in recent years. Automation enables development teams to deploy new features and updates quickly and efficiently. However, the use of CI/CD also poses some security risks that must be considered. The OWASP Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks provide an overview of the most common risks and suggests ways to overcome them.


Fake Profiles on LinkedIn

It’s hard to imagine today’s business world without LinkedIn as a social platform. Whether it’s sharing posts, networking with business partners, or acquiring new talent, LinkedIn is often the tool of choice. True to the idea of see and be seen. Anyone who wants to be successful strives for attention, recognition, and reach. This phenomenon also attracts scammers who take advantage of members’ open disclosure. Such fake profiles can have unpleasant consequences for companies. Find out what these consequences are and how you can protect yourself from them in this article.


Batch File Obfuscation Incident

Attackers use batch files to automate and speed up their work because they allow the execution of multiple commands. This way, the attacker does not need to provide any manual input but just needs to execute the malicious script on the victim’s system.


An Introduction to Batch File Obfuscation

Batch files are an essential tool many users and administrators use to perform automated tasks. However, attackers also use these batch files to execute malicious commands on a system. To avoid detection by antivirus software, batch files are obfuscated.


Passwords: Common Mistakes, Best Practices & Tips

May 4, 2023 is World Password Day. This day takes place every year on the first Thursday in May and aims to raise awareness about the importance of secure passwords. The aim is to educate about best practices in password management and encourage people to take steps to improve the security of their online accounts.


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