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Not all attacks come from the outside. Use our Continuous Threat Mission service to identify structural threats to your information security that may arise from infiltration and insider threats, so you can implement defensive measures early.
How well do you know the people who work for your suppliers and service providers? It is often difficult to check these groups of people. This is exactly what sophisticated attackers take advantage of by infiltrating a company via the supply chain. We help you develop effective prevention strategies.
Advanced attackers seek to infiltrate networks and remain undetected for long periods of time in order to continuously steal sensitive information or sabotage systems. Find out if your defense team would be able to detect such hidden manipulations.
There is usually a certain degree of mistrust towards external parties, which is why external audits can only uncover some of the existing security gaps. With an insider, you can see how security requirements are actually implemented in practice.
We combine social engineering with technical red teaming to simulate advanced attacks and thoroughly test your organization’s defense measures.
Our Continuous Threat Mission is for organizations that:
Prepare your organization for the ultimate security audit and close internal security gaps.
Contact us to discuss your specific needs individually.
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Availability Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m (exception: customers with SLA – please call the 24/7 IRR emergency number).
Private individuals please contact your trusted IT service provider or the local police station.
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