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Using advanced technology and specialist techniques, we search both the clear and dark web for hidden or long-forgotten information. This includes metadata, search engines, social networks, data breaches and much more.
The data collected is presented to you in a structured report that is tailored to the target group. We focus on the relevant information that is critical to your cybersecurity and provide you with specific recommendations for action.
The internet never forgets. Our OSINT Assessment gives you a comprehensive overview of the publicly available information about your organization. This will help you to better understand your attack surface and take targeted measures to minimize it.
Executives and other sensitive individuals in your organization are often the target of social engineering or physical threats such as blackmail or kidnapping. With an OSINT Assessment, you can make it much more difficult for attackers to prepare such attacks.
Our OSINT Assessment is also useful for human resource management. It helps your HR department to identify problematic candidates when hiring for sensitive roles and to ask specific questions during job interviews.
Our Open Source Intelligence Assessment is designed to comprehensively analyze your attack surface and show you how to reduce it. As a result, you are better prepared for potential threats and can not only proactively address attack vectors, but also better control the public appearance of your company and employees. These measures will make you less attractive to cybercriminals.
Whether it’s leaked passwords, confidential documents, dangerous interpersonal relationships or reputation-damaging content, our experts specifically search the internet for this type of information and assess it according to its potential risk.
Our Open Source Intelligence Assessment provides you with the information you need to strengthen your security strategy and effectively reduce your attack surface. This way you can prevent your company from unnecessarily becoming a target for criminals.
Please feel free to contact us for a personalized consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Availability Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m (exception: customers with SLA – please call the 24/7 IRR emergency number).
Private individuals please contact your trusted IT service provider or the local police station.
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