Physical Inspection

Protect Your IT Infrastructure From Physical Security Gaps

Digital processes and applications depend on a resilient physical infrastructure. Only when your servers, clients, and network lines work reliably and their integrity is guaranteed will your sensitive data be protected. This means that your level of security is heavily dependent on your physical safeguards. Our Physical Inspection service provides a thorough audit of your physical security measures. Together with your security officer, we inspect your sites, review access points and monitoring, analyze security policies, and evaluate your infrastructure design. In a technical discussion, we assess security gaps and address possible improvements.

Benefits of Oneconsult’s Physical Inspection

Cooperative Security Audit

As part of the Physical Inspection, we will work with you to identify potential vulnerabilities through a technical discussion during the on-site inspection. Our cooperative approach enables you to clarify any questions you may have quickly and directly with our experts.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our Physical Inspection service is based on complete mutual transparency. This white-box approach allows us to evaluate the weaknesses of those security measures and processes that would remain undetected in a scenario-based test.

Protection From Insider Threats

Insiders, such as current or former employees, service providers, and suppliers, often have detailed knowledge of your security measures. Attackers can exploit this information to identify vulnerabilities. Our security audit analyzes how effective your security measures are against attacks that take advantage of insider knowledge.

Comparable and Measurable Results Through Standardized Risk Assessment

Our Physical Inspection is a standardized audit based on a comprehensive analysis. The assessment is done using a numerical Risk Assessment Value (RAV) that gives you clear insight into the status of your security measures. This approach makes it possible to precisely measure and document progress in follow-up audits.

Frameworks Specific to Your Industry

For organizations that must meet industry-specific requirements, we apply established standards such as OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual), ISO standards or the specifications of German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Our experts tailor the audit to your specific needs and ensure a thorough evaluation of your physical security measures.

Our statistics confirm this

Companies around the world rely on our expertise every day. This is confirmed not only by our long-standing customers but also by our statistics.
Application (Mobile)
Penetration Test Projects
Red Teaming
Incident Response

Complete Protection of Your IT Infrastructure

Our Physical Inspection service makes your IT infrastructure physically secure against break-ins. The focus is on identifying and eliminating physical vulnerabilities that could facilitate unauthorized access to your network and sensitive areas.

Our security experts help you determine the optimal scope of testing for your organization and improve your security strategy.

Strengthen your IT infrastructure:

  • Uncover potential security gaps.
  • Protect your organization against insider threats.
  • Benefit from established standards and experienced experts.

Interested in a Physical Inspection?

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Availability Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m (exception: customers with SLA – please call the 24/7 IRR emergency number).

Private individuals please contact your trusted IT service provider or the local police station.

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