Security Awareness Campaign (Social Engineering)

Experiencing Social Engineering First-Hand

Social engineering is the art of targeted manipulation that criminals use to exploit human weaknesses to gain unauthorized access to protected areas or corporate networks. Through targeted interactions – such as phishing, impersonating an authorized person, or physical intrusion into sensitive areas – attackers rely on the trust or inattention of your employees. This is where our Security Awareness Campaign comes in. We simulate a variety of smaller social engineering attacks to test your employees on site. For our simulations, we use techniques such as tailgating and piggybacking to model everyday dangerous situations. Your employees are personally briefed on the situation and the relevant risks immediately after the interaction, which increases their cybersecurity awareness in the long term.

Benefits of Oneconsult’s Security Awareness Campaign

Effective Awareness Raising

Through serial social engineering interactions, we create a unique experience for a large number of
employees. This allows you to raise awareness among the majority of your employees in an efficient and
sustainable way.

Enhancing Awareness Across Your Organization

Our campaign leaves a lasting impression. Your employees share their experiences with colleagues, spreading security awareness throughout your organization.

Customized Campaigns

Our campaigns are specifically tailored to the needs and risks of your organization. We work together to analyze potential threats and develop a customized solution.

Long-Term Learning Effect

We remember better what we experience. Experiencing social engineering attacks first-hand is far more effective than theoretical training.

Modules That Can Be Flexibly Combined

Our training includes a variety of modules – from tailgating to rogue access points – that can be combined as needed to cover all aspects of social engineering.

Comprehensive Coordination Service

Security awareness is an ongoing task. Regular and well-coordinated awareness campaigns help to
maintain a consistently high level of security in your organization. If you wish, our experts can also provide
long-term coordination of awareness programs and training for your organization.

Our statistics confirm this

Companies around the world rely on our expertise every day. This is confirmed not only by our long-standing customers but also by our statistics.
Application (Mobile)
Penetration Test Projects
Application (Mobile)
Penetration Test Projects
Application (Mobile)
Penetration Test Projects

Our Security Awareness Campaign: Modules


We gain access to non-public areas by following your employees unnoticed into protected areas or by requesting access under false pretenses.

Road Apple

We distribute manipulated hardware in your organization and evaluate whether your employees connect potentially malicious devices to the corporate network.

Rogue Access Point

We trick your employees into using their user devices to log into a potentially insecure Wi-Fi network.

On-Site Phishing

We carry out an action on site in your organization that tempts your employees to access an insecure link.

Badge Emulation

We inconspicuously observe your employees and read access data from badges and electronic keys when the opportunity arises.

Shoulder Surfing

We watch your employees as they enter passwords and access codes.

Experiencing Instead of Listening – Staying Alert in the Long Term

Our Security Awareness Campaign provides hands-on, experience-based training to make your employees
aware of social engineering attacks. Through direct exposure to security-critical situations, your employees
learn more effectively than through lectures or theoretical training. The hands-on approach promotes a
deeper understanding so that potential threats can be identified more quickly in the future and security-
relevant errors can be avoided.

Because security awareness can drop over time, it is critical to conduct regular awareness campaigns.
These ongoing measures help to keep your organization resilient to social engineering. Our experts ensure
that the topic stays top of mind for your employees in the long term.

Stay alert – with our Security Awareness Campaign, you can sustainably raise your employees' awareness
of social engineering attacks.

Interested in Our Security Awareness Campaign?

Get a Security Awareness Campaign quote now


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Availability Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m (exception: customers with SLA – please call the 24/7 IRR emergency number).

Private individuals please contact your trusted IT service provider or the local police station.

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